cigars-101 RSS
Understanding Cigar Sizes and Smoking Times
Let me start that Cigar Sizes vs Smoking Times is a very subjective discussion; every person enjoys a cigar at differ...
BLOG: Simply put, not the same!
Grant "The Cigar Merchant" Ovenden discusses the subject of Cuban Cigars vs Non-Cuban Cigars (Premium Cigars).
Cigar Basics - Cigar Burn Issues & What To Do
Today Grant "The Cigar Merchant" Ovenden from discusses common Cigar Burn Issues and What To Do to fix th...
Tupperdors - Everything You Need To Know
Tupperdors - what are they?
Simply put, many years ago an aficionado ran out of space in their humidor and grabbed a ...
Cigars 101: Understanding Sizes & Shapes
As you cannot view cigars in a walk-in humidor in New Zealand due to the Smokefree 2025 Act (which restricts the disp...
Cigar Basics - The Most Important Cigar Tool?
Everyone has a drawer full of knives- a knife for every purpose- a bread knife, a chef's knife, paring knife, maybe a...
The Essentials Guide - Executive Summary
The Essentials Guide - Executive Summary
Today I will give you a top-down essentials guide to what you need to enjoy ...
Cigar Basics - Selecting Your Cigar
More Than a Hobby- a great Cigar is the start of your Passion
Purchasing a cigar can seem very daunting given the vas...
BLOG: Wrapper vs Binder vs Filler
The Cigar Merchant of New Zealand shares his thoughts on the makeup of a cigar when it comes to wrapper vs binder vs ...
What is that horrible stuff oozing from my cigar?
The Cigar Merchant discusses the horrible subject of cigar-ooze, or cigar-tar as it is also known.
Rethinking Humidity and Cigar Storage
Well for the last 30 years I've always followed the 70/70 rule (70F or 21C and 70% humidity) - however (thankfully) a...
BLOG: Mould vs Plume or Bloom
Observations & pre-amble...
In the research and writing of this very very touchy subject it would be my humble be...