Smoking Kills

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HatHistorian - More than a Canal: a History of the Panama Hat

Today, I'd like to share the HatHistorian's YouTube VLOG on The Panama Hat (which is from Ecuador, not Panama BTW)...

But first some Grant "The Cigar Merchant" Ovenden history...  some 30 odd years ago (yes, I just turned the big cincuenta (50)) I was known as "The Panama Kid".

...thankfully I cannot locate a historic photo for you to all laugh at...

This was because I was quite literally a "kid" - an 18 year old who had discovered a passion for cigars; I used to sell them to my local Harley Davidson store, got to attend HOG events and all sorts of fun places (and some dodgy ones too).

Funnily enough this is also where my distain of Cuban's started; I went into Havana House on Quay Street in Auckland and Tony literally laughed in my face - so I left, found a cigar magazine (Smoke) and never looked back.

( some may recall the regular cigar-smoking club at Starbucks Parnell even )

From selling largely Perdomo's, La Flor Dominicana' and of course Joya de Nicaragua' cigars some thirty odd years ago - I've taken my hobby and passion and (finally) built it into the successful business it is today...  which I couldn't have done so without some very close cigar friends and of course you, our wonderful passionados who are on this amazing journey to keep the cigar culture alive and well in New Zealand!

Thank you!

PS - If my Cigar-life history interests anyone, when I am back on my feet I could do a BLOG post in more depth...

Or Click Here to Watch the HatHistorian's (quick) YouTube VLOG on The Panama Hat

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Smoking Kills

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Smoking Kills

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